John Hutton
John Hutton

As Tony Blair has made clear, our fundamental challenge is how to make Europe work better.

John Prescott
John Prescott

There was only one punch. Tony Blair rang me and he said 'Are you OK?' and I said 'Yes', and he said 'Well, what happened?' and I said 'I was just carrying out your orders. You told us to connect with the electorate, so I did.

Katharine Gun
Katharine Gun

I know people have tried to make citizens' arrests on Tony Blair and so on, but really it's time the international criminal court has some guts and charges white war criminals. They need to face justice just like other war criminals.

Keith Allen
Keith Allen

People using a public platform to further their own personal agenda, I think that's immoral. You have no right to do that. Tony Blair is a great example of that.

Konnie Huq
Konnie Huq

One minute you're up a mountain, the next you're down a well. One minute you're with Tony Blair, the next you're with McFly. Ten years feels like two years when you're in the 'Blue Peter' bubble.

Larry Mullen, Jr.
Larry Mullen, Jr.

Tony Blair is a war criminal, and I think he should be tried as a war criminal. Then I see Bono and him as pals, and I'm going, 'I don't like that.' Do I think George Bush is a war criminal? Probably - but the difference between him and Tony Blair is that Blair is intelligent. So, he has no excuse.

Louise Nurding
Louise Nurding

I'm a big fan of Tony Blair. I'm not saying that I think his judgment has always been right, but I look at him as a person.

Luke Harding
Luke Harding

My journalistic mission was straightforward: to await the U.S. invasion of Iraq. Nobody knew quite when this would be. But the diplomacy - the meetings in the U.N. security council, the allegations about weapons of mass destruction, the martial language of Tony Blair and George W. Bush - all suggested a war was brewing.

Marco Pierre White
Marco Pierre White

I just can't stand Tony Blair.

Martin Jacques
Martin Jacques

My guess is that good and bad parenting is spread fairly evenly across different social groups. But can you imagine Tony Blair lecturing the middle class on how to bring up their children? He is far more comfortable as a latter-day exponent of the Poor Law mentality.